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parents are too financially dependant on the other one - 2houses

Marriage, Divorce And The Economy: No Excuse For Irresponsible Parenting

Is our down-turned economy having an effect on divorce in the United States and other nations around the world? While it’s too early for statistical evidence, marriage counselors and divorce attorneys around the globe are in agreement. They’re finding many couples who were ready to call it quits are postponing the divorce decision due to financial reasons. In the U.S., with housing values at near-record lows, wide-ranging cuts in salaries and a dramatic rise in unemployment rates, many couples are not divorcing because they are afraid they can’t afford it.

Does this mean that couples are finding new ways to get along and reconsider their marriages? In some cases, yes, but for many it just means adapting to continued states of unhappiness and coping with disappointment and frustration. This, of course, does not bear well for the children of these unions. They experience the negative consequences of a distressed marriage whether the couple splits up or chooses to stay together because of economic factors.

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Rosalind Sedacca for Huffpost Divorce

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