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eggshell mosaic DIY - 2houses

Friday Craft: Eggshell Mosaic

So it’s been a couple years I think since I did a Friday Craft post! Planning for specific crafts is not a strong area for me. I am much better at fostering an environment that promotes and provides for creativity, and my children are constantly crafting on their own. But, there is something to be said for a craft orchestrated by mom, and enjoyed by the whole family. I do have quite a few crafts in the queue right now, most of them at Larkspur and Keats’ request. So, it may be that I bring back Friday Craft posts here and there.

First step: Break the eggs

We got the idea to make eggshell mosaics from Emma Hardy’s Green Crafts for Children. However, I tend to take most craft ideas and transform them into an activity that focuses more on the process than the product.
We began by saving eggshells for a few days, washing them, and letting them dry.

Second step: Color the broken eggs

While we could have made natural dyes and added another dimension to this project all together (see my article on natural egg dyeing in Bamboo magazine’s Spring 2011 issue HERE), we chose to dye our eggshells with food coloring. (no exact measurements, just enough to richly dye the water. I added a splash of vinegar to each jar too which was probably unnecessary.)

Everyone took turns adding eggshells to the colored water and then we let them sit overnight (longer than necessary.)

Read more…
By Ginny for her blog gsheller.com

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En nog veel meer functies!

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