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gill ruidant "reinventing happiness" in leuven - 2houses

Gill Ruidant: The Power of Adversity @TEDxLeuven

Gill Ruidant, the CEO and Founder of 2houses.com, performing his speech on “The Power of Adversity” at the TEDxLeuven conference on the theme “Reinvent Happiness”.

Gill’s Presentation by TEDxLeuven

“Gill is the founder of 2houses, a web platform that helps divorced parents to communicate and get organized for what they make them happy: their kids. Gill is an entrepreneur in heart, passionate about creating and getting things real. Through his own experiences of life, Gill will tell us how adversity can generate energy and creativity. Obstacles reveal opportunities. Gill manages to point them out, jump on them and make a good use of these occasions. What a good feeling to achieve his own dreams and make the world a little bit better… human beings a little bit happier! Is it not where our own happiness is?”


Photo ©brunodelepierre 






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